Have you Received PCS Orders to Hawaii?
Find out everything you need to know about when moving to one of the 3 active military bases on O’ahu.
Hawaii VA Loans has dedicated resources and a local PCS Liason available to answer any questions you may have about life living in Hawaii
Interested in learning more about living in Hawaii?
Schedule time with our Hawaiian Military Base PCS & Hospitality Liason.
Hawaii VA Loans is not affiliated with any government agencies, including the VA. Hawaii VA Loans is a division of Land Home Financial Services, Inc, a VA approved lender. NMLS #386040. This site is not authorized by the New York State Department of Financial Services. No mortgage loan applications for properties in the state of New York will be accepted through this site.
Hawaii VA Loans is not affiliated with any government agencies, including the VA. Hawaii VA Loans is a division of Land Home Financial Services, Inc, a VA approved lender. NMLS #386040. This site is not authorized by the New York State Department of Financial Services. No mortgage loan applications for properties in the state of New York will be accepted through this site.