From time to time, Hawaii VA Loans will share exceptional VA loan financing stories directly from our VA Loan Specialists who dive into their customers’ Hawaii VA loan transactions with the will and the fortitude to achieve the best financing outcomes for their borrowers. Without further ado, here’s Brad….
“First, I want to extend a THANK YOU to the Hawaii VA Loans team from Annette & Christine for all the help on Annette’s VA loan. A big MAHALO also goes out to to Hawaii Life Real Estate agent Renee Hill who guided our customer expertly through her purchase.
We made history on this one!
A short (23 day) closing for our 80 year old borrower, Annette, who is the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran and a SUPER WIN by setting a new precedent with the VA Department on a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the issue of modular homes versus manufactured homes. The VA had previously worked on three similar transactions and closed them all as manufactured homes.
We ultimately saved our borrower $180/month as a result of her modular home being treated as a single family residence. Thus, we were able to get her a low 3% interest rate compared to the manufactured home rate of 4.125%!
This was truly a first for me in the sense of 1) NO Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and 2) 100% financed loan with NO money out of her pocket!
At our borrower’s age and on a fixed income, these savings meant the world to her. Again, thank you ALL. Hawaii VA Loans is making a difference!”