Do you need to simplify your home, but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you bought a home with less space or you’re on the verge of a PCS move or military retirement. Maybe you simply want to live with less! There are a number of reasons why the decision to simplify your home is a good idea. Keep in mind, the process may take more than one attempt. Yet, the results will energize you to do more! Here are five easy ways to get started:
1. Sell or donate “forgotten” furniture
You might be thinking, “What?! I need my furniture!” But this is a big one. Think about it. How many furniture items are truly essential in your home? Do you have some “forgotten furniture?” You know, the kind that collects more dust than use. Has your design style changed, but you still have dated pieces?
In Hawaii, the average home size has been reported to be around 1,309 square feet. You need the space that getting rid of extra furniture can make! The challenge is to choose at least three small or big furniture items that you can “live without” to sell or donate. Go ahead. You can do it!
2. Clear out kitchenware
Kitchen cabinets love to hide all the things! Open up your cabinets and drawers. Keep only plates and cups you use daily. All those gifted mugs can be someone else’s treasure. The miscellaneous dishware or small appliances you never use (but save for that “one day” that hasn’t come in years) – time’s up! Clear your kitchen and enjoy the difference.
3. Let go of linens
Sheets, blankets, pillow cases, and towels pile up quickly in a linen closet. Keep only your newest, freshest linens and towels. Of course, you may need an old towel now and then for dirty jobs, but make sure the majority of your linen closet houses only the best.
4. Out with the old sports equipment & toys
Consider what your family doesn’t use often when it comes to indoor and outdoor play. Regularly going through these types of items will help with accumulation of unused sports equipment and toys. Sell or donate the stuff that’s still in good condition.
5. Minimize the bulk of books & craft/school/office supplies
Books can be among the heaviest items to box up and move. Lighten the load! Your neighborhood library or book share will happily take them. Craft, school and office supplies also build up over time, especially when you have kids. Sometimes you end up buying more of what you already have! Oh, and don’t forget to clear out that junk drawer where a lot of them end up.
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