We’re excited to announce our Hale ‘Ohana Loan Program! We love 100% financing and want to assist those that don’t qualify for a VA loan with some zero down options as well. Therefore, the Hale ‘Ohana Loan Program is open to non-VA buyers. Find out more about the program below.

Hale ‘Ohana Loan Program Details
- No Down Payment Required
The program is an FHA (Federal Housing Administration) program. FHA usually requires 3.5% down, but we finance that for you. So it’s 100% financing for you. Zero down!
- Thus, the FHA Required 3.5% Down Payment is covered by a 15 year, full amortized fixed rate down payment assistance loan
- Condos require 50% owner concentration occupancy. Moreover, the loan program is for owner-occupied only, so you must move into the home within 60 days.
- Seller Credit (up to 6%) & Gift Funds OK
Finally, you do not need to be a first time home buyer, but you cannot currently own any other property.
Income Limits by Island
This program’s income limits are very generous; it is 160% AMI (area median income) which on Oahu is $192,240. Here are the income limits for all islands:
- Big Island = $144,960
- Oahu = $192,240
- Kauai = $163,250
- Maui/Molokai = $169,280
Purchase Price Limits by Island
Any amount above these prices must be covered by a down payment:
- Big Island = $517,500
- Oahu = $779,700
- Kauai = $1,029,250
- Maui = $1,000,500
Save the flyer below and contact us for any questions at 808-792-4251 or visit us here.