Nostalgic. That’s how Mark Peer feels while watching his children paddle out with him to surf on O’ahu’s North Shore. It’s a joyful nostalgia that permeates through his eyes. They glimmer in such a way that one can almost see the action flickering in them like a film reel as he talks about growing up on O’ahu and becoming a Hawai’i homeowner. Perhaps that’s why Mark is so gifted at visual storytelling himself, because he understands how being reflective of one’s past can work in tandem with the present to create an epic tale.
In addition to being a Kama`āina Veteran, Mark and his wife, Malia, created Peer Films – a videography team specializing in cinematic storytelling. We’re honored to have Mark share their Hawai’i home buying story with us. Now, let’s paddle into their ohana’s world where we’re sure to want to stay awhile.

Growing Up in Hawai’i
For Mark, vivid memories of waxing up his surfboard and loading up the car with his gear for a day on the ocean defined his younger years. He holds the effervescent feeling of every first sight of the ocean at the forefront of his mind. When he began dating Malia in high school, their unified vision to continue a life connected to the sea and the land solidified. Furthermore, the dream of giving his future ohana an even better lifestyle motivated him to pursue a career that would help bring those goals to fruition.

Serving His Country
We mean it when we say that the ocean has defined Mark’s life. Even in the way he was inspired to serve his country. As a young surfer, he would often look up to the sky at the U.S. Coast Guard helicopters flying overhead and think “that might be the best job in the world.” So at the age of 19, when it came time for Mark to make a decision for his future, he reflected back on those impressive birds and decided to take a leap of faith and join. He’s been leaping from them ever since as a USCG Rescue Swimmer. His career has taken him from Florida, North Carolina, and most recently his ohana returned to their roots in Hawai’i – – where it all began.

Buying a Home in Hawai’i
Initially, Mark thought Hawaii homeownership was out of the question, but when he realized he had the ability to use his VA loan to purchase a home, he immediately took advantage of the opportunity. He describes his experience with Hawaii VA Loans as comforting, reassuring, and trusting: “It’s local people helping local people get a step forward in life,” he says.
Take a look at the Peer Ohana’s lifestyle since purchasing their North Shore hale:
Smoothie-Makin’ Time!

Jammin’ Out!

Cruisin’ the Neighborhood

Pickin’ Avos

Waxin’ Surfboards

Front Porch Sittin’

Finally, We Can’t Forget the Family Pet!

Mahalo nui to Mark for sharing his Boots to Roots story and to the entire Peer Ohana for welcoming us into their home!
Contact Hawaii VA Loans | Return to Boots to Roots main page for more Hawai’i Veteran Home Buying Stories
Videography by Peer Films | All Rights Reserved
Photos by Jonas Maon | All Rights Reserved