Your loan specialist is a keeper, and one of the most pleasant people I have had the pleasure of working with. She explained thoroughly how the process went, how soon she expected to get it done, and what was expected of me. She promised to try and get me into the house by Thanksgiving, and came through ahead of schedule.
Every day she was on the computer, telephone, or fax encouraging me, telling me what was needed, keeping me moving to a successful conclusion. Some workers just move paper, and wait until something comes back before doing anything and the project takes some time. She was on top of the situation at all times and worked hard with me to get it done. I will miss her, especially when I do not see anymore emails every morning and afternoon. I had several employees working for me during my career, and they just came to work, made a few motions and went home. They were a nightmare to supervise. That is not the case with Brenda, and you should make every attempt not to let her get away.