Contact a
VA Loan Specialist


  1. Hawaii VA Loans Is Here to
    Get You an Affordable Mortgage

    I'm interested in:

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

    quote Everything ran smoothly and before we knew it we were signing for our home and receiving the keys less than a week later. quote

    Tyler & Alyssa G

  2. How much would you like to borrow?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

  3. When would you like to purchase?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

    What is the primary reason for the refinance?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

  4. How did you hear about Hawaii VA Loans?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

Thank you! A VA Loan Specialist will be in touch with you shortly.