1. Hawaii VA Loans Is Here to
    Get You an Affordable Mortgage

    I'm interested in:

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

  2. How much would you like to borrow?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-icon808-201-1692

  3. When would you like to purchase?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-icon808-201-1692

    What is the primary reason for the refinance?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-icon808-201-1692

  4. How did you hear about Hawaii VA Loans?

    Speak with a VA Loan specialist : phone-white808-201-1692

Thank you! A VA Loan Specialist will be in touch with you shortly.

VA Homebuyers Resource

Ready to take the next step?

Full VA Loan Application


Everything ran smoothly and before we knew it we were signing for our home and receiving the keys less than a week later. Tyler & Alyssa G
