Brandi was a major part in why this purchase was completed and she was above and beyond my support my coach and my best team member and my biggest fan. As a first time home buyer and a first home owner in 3+ generations of renters I had no clue where to begin or how to approach each challenge that arose. Brandi was always asking me how I was doing and always kept a positive attitude even when I thought the deal was about to fall through she would get us to the next step and the next step till we were signing in the escrow office. It always felt like a uphill battle and never felt like it was really going to happen and a few times I did think ‘well I really don’t mind renting my whole life’.  But then there I was sitting in the escrow office signing my final paperwork. Brandi is a credit to your company and a product of great will and a tenacious character. She works very hard for her clients and is a true asset to your organization.